Kayt in Ireland

My Tales of Studying Abroad in Dublin

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

More lessons straight off the Dublin Streets

Since yesterday was a pretty uneventful day, I'll post a few more tips I learned from through some rather ridiculous experiences:
  • PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO TRAFFIC....learned this when struck by a vehicle yesterday
  • THE BIRDS ARE VERY BOLD...witnessed a fellow travelor attacked by a bird over a cookie
  • ENGLISH BIG BROTHER IS THE BEST REALITY SHOW EVER...I just read that they made Susie the dictator of the house...she wears a miliatry outfit and everyone is forced to pledge alliegance to her and sing her fav songs and eat her fav food...its just brilliant... although ive only seen a few minutes of them sleeping (since we have no tv) i am very intrigued.
  • FORGET WATCHING OUT FOR CRIMS...IT IS THE IRISH CHILDREN YOU SHOULD FEAR...those kids are very VERY bold..As a group we have learned this various ways...
  • 1. Being called a bitch by a 5 year old eating blue ice cream
  • 2. Sexual assault by a gang of 10 year old bikers
  • 3. Sidewalk verbal assualts by 6 year old little girl
  • 4. sparring outside the Spar with Alex the security card
  • 5. 7 year old girls with scabs on their faces attempting to pick
  • fights at the gate
  • 6. Rowdy bus rides
  • I think that is sufficent evidence.

I'm being mocked now bc i actually have work to do and still spend my time playing with my blog....Peace...

PS Excuse the 1000 extra bullets....i could figure out how to escape them


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