Kayt in Ireland

My Tales of Studying Abroad in Dublin

Thursday, August 10, 2006

T -3 Days till Italia

Tuesday I had a half-day at One Family... its odd im beginning to get anxiety about leaving my job. I've grown comfortable there, i like the work (when i have some). I just think its an over-all anxiety about leaving.
After work, we stopped at Tesco and bought cheesecakes to bring tomorrow to everyone we work with as a thank you for being so helpful...im actually pretty upset that i wont be eating it.
I worked on my papers for a bit and took a nap in my dublin bed...o i'll miss this diseased room damn it. im getting emotional now.
At nite we attempted once again to complete the top 10 list...we only made it to the Stag Head on dame lane...grand... it was a really cute place. Afterwards we went to 4 damn lane. Megan and I had loads of discussions about whats it gonna be like when we get home... the concensus it that its going to be freaking crazy to be back and completely overwhelming.
Inspired by the top 10 Dublin book, I'll list our top 10:
1. Whelans
2. Bruxelles
3. Goghartys
4. The Village
5. Hogans
6. Globe
7. The Market
8. Brogan's Bar
9. The Gaiety
10. Craw Daddy
I think thats fairly accurate...
Well off the enjoy what i have left of my time here...


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