Kayt in Ireland

My Tales of Studying Abroad in Dublin

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Dublin Bus

Today since nothing much went down, I will waste my time critizing the Dublin Bus system. I despise how long it takes to get to city centre from santry each day... I would venture to say that i sit on the bus for a good 3 hours a damn day. It doesnt matter which one you take either...4, 13,13A,16,19...its all the same. On a more helpful note, i recommend getting a bus pass if you are here for any length of time. With my Student Travel Card, I get a 30 day pass for 64euro. Which isnt bad if you think about how it costs about 1.50 each ride, I ride it at least twice a day on the weekends 3 times. Another problem i find with the bus system is that it shuts down at 11:30. There is a nitelink bus that begins at 12:30 and runs until 4:30 but the bus pass doesnt count for that and it costs 4euro...if you have more than 2 people its prolly best for you to get a taxi instead, it will prolly be cheaper. Taxis are another story...once the pubs and clubs let out it is very difficult to catch one, and it is very important to look sober, even if you are not. There are taxi ques on various streets, O Connell, Dame...but those can be extremely long, so its probably a better bet for you to just try and catch one on the side of the street. Hmm...do I have any other helpful transportation tip?...NAhh...
Today we went to The Market after work to kill some time, so that traffic would die down, so the bus ride wouldnt be as long. Its on George STreet and is very nice. Lovely time. Gets real crowded around dinner time.
I'm very sad bc i will be at work tomorrow during the USA vs Ghana World Cup match...why do they have to play in the middle of the day?? Looking forward to seeing the outcome of that match.
Well im off to bed....Nite


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