Kayt in Ireland

My Tales of Studying Abroad in Dublin

Monday, June 26, 2006

Irish Health Care System

So today i finally went to the doctor to get my foot that is swollen to twice its size checked out... I can't believe how unsure my doctor was of the procedure to follow. She tells me that i probably have a stress fracture and that i must go for a x-ray which at home would be super simple, refer me and im there. But o no not in Ireland...she spends 30 minutes trying to come up with the plan that will take the least amount of time. If i go to a private practice to get my xray, then they will send me to the hospital anyways...so would it be faster for me to just go the hospital?....it was unbelievable...after 50 euro, all i came out with was a 50 euro charge and a referral to the hospital and the assurance that things are not as fast here as they are in the states...DAMn iT!!
Today in conversation with my friend and flatmate Amy, she mentioned how in the first week here people told her how great the US was because things worked....at the time she thought it was odd...but now we have come to understand...THINGS DoNT WOrk here....nothing gets fixed..if its slow or broken DEAl WITH it...i think that is the most important thing u can realize before coming here...SLOW DowN...


At 6:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that you, your foot pain, or the two bottles of wine talking?


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