UsA Out of WoRlD cUp!!!
Gross!!! The UsA is out of the World real i have to pick a new team..Damn It!!...any suggestions?
Just thought i would advise today on some things you will not find in Ireland and i dearly dearly miss:
Cheese...all they have here is very very dry chedder
What i wouldnt give for a piece of colby or a string cheese
Neutrogena makeup...i ran out of healthy skin blush blend and my life
has not been the same since
No SUCH thing!!!
Variety...There is no such thing...maybe one or two choices..
Everyplace there is the same choices...o america
Cheetos...Sarah talks of them all the time...Hilarious
Gallons of Milk...we buy milk and drink it in .5 sitting
Shout!!...damn stains do not come out
Baseball... Tigers
Reese Pieces...Anything peanut butter
JIF... Peanut butter does not exist as u know want a
spoonful?...NEVER gonna happen....Its pracically White!!
Coney Island.... O man
Real Bacon.... No way!!...bacon isnt crispy!! Its HAM!!!
Taco Bell.... You'll never have fast food mexican
Ranch... I've seen in once in the month ive been here @ a Pizza Hut
none the less. No such thing as Ranch in the grocery store.
Hmm...Thats all i can think of now...Just a little heads up, stock up before you come.
off to hobble around the concert on my broken foot.... Gotta get that checked out
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