OO...The World Cup comes to a Close...

Yesterday for the big match we headed to The Globe on George Street. It was super super crowded...however we did manage to score an amazing table. Well it would have been amazing if so many people werent standing in front. I decieded to cheer for Italy...which in the end proved to be a wise decision as they were the winners. Yay Italia!!! Found it odd that people chant the tune from the White Stripes Seven Nation Army....beginning to wonder if the white stripes ripped the beat. Hmm...conundrum. Soo exciting that the match ended in a shootout...i wouldnt have it any other way. After the match we went to Eamon Dorans again...as it a sure bet for a being open late. It was a good bit of craic. I cant believe my luck for being in Europe during the World Cup...if only Ireland had qualified...now that would have been intense or if the US had won it all...o man.
I'm starting to get real stressed that I only have a month left here. It sucks that we planned all our trips for the end bc we have like no time in Dublin in July. Its gonna be one depressing day when its time to go.
Today was a beautiful day so we ate lunch in St. Stephens Green again. I think i may have burned myself out on mozarella, tomatoe and pesto...bc it just didnt taste as good as it usually does today. I finished up with an ice cream bc the sun was shining. I had a feast...soo chocolately. I think i like it better than the magnum...those are so rich. Wow..im such a fat american...
Tonite we are checking out the dog races again...im pretty excited. Will let u know how that goes...peace...
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